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Clinician as Healer in Primary Care
Introducing Whole Person Care Into Your Practice
Get Started

Earn up to 15 AAFP Prescribed Credits and
5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

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The research is clear – the kind of medical care provided in a typical primary care office contributes only about 15 to 20% of overall health. Why? While our practices are set up to provide care, we are not set up to help patients improve overall their overall health and wellbeing.

So the question is, are we using the right tools to actually help people heal? The SOAP note, with its focus on making the diagnosis and moving on in a standard treatment, does not help us consider these other factors.

The HOPE approach is a new way to structure practice to focus on all aspects of our patients’ lives. HOPE stands for healing-oriented practices and environments. It asks the patient not, “what’s the matter,” but, instead, “what matters?” Knowing this, we can then explore, with the patient, those underlying root causes or personal determinants of health so they can begin to change or improve.

The five modules of this course present the concepts, tools, and strategies you need to change the way your practice provides care. Based on real-world experience of 16 practices that have implemented this approach, you will hear from the participants who will tell you what worked, what didn’t work, and what they’re working on. Their wisdom and pearls will be invaluable to you.

This course is jointly provided by Tufts University School of Medicine Office of Continuing Education (TUSM OCE) and Center for Innovation in Family Medicine. It is made possible by a grant from Samueli Foundation.


Who Should Take This Course?

This course has been created by and is for clinicians, clinical staff, practice managers, and administrators interested in transforming their practice.
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Earn up to 15 AAFP Prescribed Credits and 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

To obtain AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, you will need to register, view the content, successfully complete the post-test with a minimum score of 75%, and complete the evaluation. Once a module is completed, the certificate will be available to print/save immediately upon completion of the evaluation and will also be accessible in your free eeds account. Complete accreditation and disclosure information is shown prior to the start of each module.

What You Will Learn

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The Benefits, Rationale, and Process of Whole Person Care

Including use of the Personal Health Inventory and the HOPE note.
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Introducing Integrative Health to your System

We cover the evidence supporting this approach, as well as how to “sell” the new vision of care to your administration by aligning integrative health with your institution’s mission.
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Introducing integrative health to your team

How to shift thinking from illness care to whole person care and how to get your team to the “starting line” to start the change process marathon.
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Changing Structures, Changing Minds

In this module we introduce models and tools to create sustained change by changing the culture of your practice, individual by individual.
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Making It All Work in the Exam Room

We hear from team members on how they use the HOPE approach to start new conversations with patients, use the HOPE note to guide decisions. We also talk about business tools that help monitor your practice, and how to document and bill for this new model of care.
CIFM Certificate
Course Description

This five-part series on implementing whole person care in primary care aims to teach all members of primary care practices how to envision and implement new approaches and new tools for practice.

Module 1: Introducing Whole Person Health Care into Your Practice; What It Is and How to Do It

Module 2: The Case for Delivering Whole-Person Health Care; Introducing Integrative Health to Your System

Module 3: Introducing Integrative Health to Your Team

Module 4: Tools for Implementation: Changing Structures, Changing Minds

Module 5: Making It All Work in the Exam Room

This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and AAFPThe AAFP has reviewed Introducing Whole Person Care Into Your Practice, and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit. Term of approval is from 2/1/2023 to 1/31/2024. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Prescribed Credit.

1.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Introducing Whole Person Health Care into Your Practice: What It Is and How to Do It

2.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Introducing Whole Person Health Care into Your Practice: What It Is and How to Do It – Translation To Practice

1.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – The Case for Delivering Whole-Person Health Care; Introducing Integrative Health to Your System

2.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – The Case for Delivering Whole-Person Health Care; Introducing Integrative Health to Your System – Translation To Practice

1.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Introducing Integrative Health to Your Team

2.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Introducing Integrative Health to Your Team – Translation To Practice

1.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Tools for Implementation: Changing Structures, Changing Minds

2.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Tools for Implementation: Changing Structures, Changing Minds – Translation To Practice

1.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study Making It All Work in the Exam Room for Implementation: Changing Structures, Changing Minds

2.00 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) – Making It All Work in the Exam Room – Translation To Practice

Following this CME activity, participants will have the opportunity to earn an additional two Prescribed credits for participation in each Translation to Practice® exercise. Information on Translation to Practice® will be shared within the activity.”

Dr. Wayne Jonas
Wayne Jonas, MD
President, Healing Works Foundation
Allen F. Shaughnessy
Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor and Vice Chair of Family Medicine for Research Tufts University School of Medicine
Arvin Jenab
Arvin Jenab, ND
Medical Director of Naturopathic Medicine, Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California-Irvine
Laura Medina
Laura Medina, MD
Surgeon and integrative health physician, University of New Mexico Center for Life
Eniola Teju Ayeni – Sylvester, DO
Family Physician, Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
Jacelyne Bonilla, BA
Community health worker and health coach, Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
Judy Fleishman, PhD
Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Cambridge Health Alliance
Maureen Healy, LCSW
Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
Elena Hill
Elena Hill, MD, MPH
Physician, Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
Jacob Hwang, ND
Naturopathic physician, Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California-Irvine
Cheryl Martin, MD
Family physician and integrative health physician, Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
Giancarlo Martinez
Giancarlo Martinez
Practice Manager, University of New Mexico Center for Life
Peter Moran
Community health worker and health coach, Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
Nadeswaran Bavani
Bavani Nadeswaran, MD
Internal Medicine Physician, Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California-Irvine
Celia Pellot, MA
Jennifer Phillips
Jennifer Phillips, MD
Family Physician and Chief Medical Officer, University of New Mexico
Stephanie Taveras
Practice Administrator, Department of Family Medicine, Bronxcare Health System
HOPE for Change
Implementing integrative, whole person care

According to a 2021 report from the National Academies of Sciences, the U.S. medical system must move from providing services to providing whole person care. Learn how to implement change from the ground up with this course. Watch this two-minute video to see how this course will help all members of your practice team to envision and implement a new approach to patients.

Introducing Whole Person Care into Your Practice is a fantastic, easy-to-use tool for helping clinicians understand how simple it can be to integrate the principles of Whole Health into their daily clinical practice. The course supports the national effort underway at the Veterans Health Administration and elsewhere to make the conversation about what matters most to a person the central focus of their interactions with the healthcare system. Particularly with the recent release of the NASEM report on Primary Care, which fully endorsed this team-based, whole person approach to care, this course can be a timely and important addition to the toolbox of every primary care clinician in the country."
Benjamin Kligler MD MPH
Executive Director
Office of Patient Centered Care & Cultural Transformation
Veterans Health Administration
"Because whole people in all their complexity come to physicians to support their health and well-being, we in primary care are fortunate to have easy access to the free CME Course Whole Person Care. Based on evidence with clear steps for implementation, it's what we and our patients have always needed to lift our spirits and improve our health."
Audrey Stillerman, MD
Integrative Family Physician and Clinical Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Illinois Chicago
Medical Director for the Mile Square School Health Center program
Co-founder of the Center for the Collaborative Study of Trauma, Health Equity, and Neurobiology
"Learn a whole-practice approach to whole-person care. This professionally produced video CME program builds on the foundation of Family Medicine, the experience of community-based practices, and the science of organizational change. Use the tools, see the changes, feel the difference, and enjoy the team momentum."
William R. Phillips, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Clinical Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
"The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently released their Committee report, entitled “Achieving Whole Health: A New Approach for Veterans and the Nation.” The Committee calls for improving outcomes across the nation through a Whole Health model. The power of this is that there is no debate about whether the nation should commit to this transformation, but rather how to do this. As clinicians, in very challenging times, the thought of doing one more thing can be overwhelming. In the course Introducing Whole Person Care into Your Practice, Dr. Jonas and his colleagues give you practical tools and support to begin to integrate this approach immediately. This is a fabulous resource for us all!"
Tracy Gaudet, M.D.
Co-Founder, The Cornerstone Collaboration
Former Founding Executive Director
National Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation
Veterans Health Administration
Introducing Whole Person Care Into Your Practice

Earn up to 15 AAFP Prescribed Credits and 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

Start the Course
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