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How Healing Works Podcast Cover Image

Welcome to How Healing Works! I’m Dr. Wayne Jonas.

I’m proud to announce my podcast, How Healing Works! In each interview, I sit down with my guest to discuss how they deliver whole person care. It starts with one simple questions:  “What matters to you?”


Twitter: @DrWayneJonas
Facebook: Dr. Wayne Jonas
Instagram: @drwaynejonas
LinkedIn: Dr. Wayne Jonas
LinkedIn: Alyssa McManamon

Visit Healing Works Foundation for more information.


Dr. Wayne Jonas is a board-certified physician and Dr. Alyssa McManamon is a triple-board certified hematologist/oncologist. The opinions expressed on this show are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their places of employment, the Department of Veterans Affairs, or the United States government. The opinions expressed on this podcast are meant for entertainment and education and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition nor should they be used as a substitute for medical advice from a qualified, board-certified practicing clinician. Dr. Wayne Jonas and Dr. Alyssa McManamon have no relevant financial disclosures.

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