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Chronic disease requires an approach in which healing is as important as curing. Where the focus is not just on countering illness but also on supporting health—fully integrating preventative care and self-care with the treatment of disease, illness and injury. We need to move towards whole person care. Whole person care addresses the four dimensions of a human being–physical, behavioral, social and emotional, mental and spiritual, and it is delivered in a person-centered way.

Wayne Jonas, MD, a family physician, researcher, and author of hundreds of articles on health and healing, is committed to helping physicians, clinicians and patients gain information and resources that add health back into health care.

With his team, Dr. Jonas works to empower patients and their care teams by providing solutions that enhance health, prevent disease, and relieve chronic pain.

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Book: How Healing Works

How Healing Works Book Cover

Drawing on 40 years of research and patient care, Dr. Wayne Jonas explains how 80 percent of healing occurs organically and how to activate the healing process.

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Media Kit

Media Kit 2022

Download Dr. Wayne Jonas’ media kit including press clips, research and bio

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