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Primary Care Personal Health Inventory

The Personal Health Inventory (PHI) is a resource that can help you understand the whole health of the person you are treating. It allows the individual to think about where they are in their health journey. A printable black-and-white version…

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Oncology Personal Health Inventory

The Personal Health Inventory (PHI) is a resource that can help you understand the whole health of the person you are treating. It allows the individual to think about where they are in their health journey. This specific version is…

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Integrative Oncology Leadership Collaborative Case Study

Matching Patients with the Right Supportive Care Programs at the Right Time: Integrative Oncology Leadership Collaborative Case Study

During the Integrative Oncology Leadership Collaborative, the Inova Schar Cancer Institute team began to shift the focus from disease-specific care to whole person care by piloting the Personal Health Inventory (PHI) in one clinic and using this as an opportunity to better understand patients’ integrative care needs from day one.

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How to Encourage Your Patients to Journal

Therapeutic writing, a form of targeted journal writing, is a self-care technique encouraging deeper reflection, processing, and discovery, and simultaneously, reflective distance. It can help your patients to gain clarity and insight about their experiences and themselves—and thereby, to heal,…

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Health Group Visits

University of Cincinnati Integrative Health Learning Collaborative Case

The Integrative Health Learning Collaborative sought to improve the delivery of whole-person care and make integrative health routine and regular in primary care. During the learning collaborative, UC Health at the University of Cincinnati brought more integrative health into group visits, improved the curriculum and process and increased collaboration within UC Health.

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Samueli Institute Integrative Health Learning Collaborative Case

The Integrative Health Learning Collaborative sought to improve the delivery of whole-person care and make integrative health routine and regular in primary care. During the learning collaborative, the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute at the University of California, Irvine developed and piloted a process for inter-professional collaboration with providers who aren’t trained in integrative health, and re-affirmed the importance of integrative health and how institute leaders can support practice transformation at other clinics.

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