Life in Your 20s Journaling Tool
This tool is meant to help managing issues around life transitions and identity through therapeutic writing. Therapeutic writing is a kind of structured journal writing that can help you heal, grow, and thrive. This self-care tool to encourages deeper and clearer reflection, processing, and discovery for those in their 20s. Printable version available here.
Hopeful Holiday Tool
Not everyone expects a picture-perfect holiday considering the stress that can come with family, cooking, loss of loved ones, and more. The good news is that you always have the power of hope. This tool will help provide ideas and goals to embrace the holiday spirit.
Financial Impact of Cancer Pocket Guide
If you or a loved one are diagnosed with cancer, financial worries may be the last thing on your mind. This pocket guide is designed to help you assess your situation, spot financial pitfalls, and avoid what many health-care providers call “financial toxicity.”
Designing a Healing Environment by Removing Stress Barriers
Depressed, or anxious? Adapt your environment to soothe and heal rather than overwhelm and stress you with this free downloadable guide.
Guided Imagery Pocket Guide
The pocket guide on guided imagery describes the evidence behind this mind-body practice and how to access it.
Moving Meditations – Tai Chi & Qigong Pocket Guide
Moving Meditations Pocket Guide gives providers and patients the information they need when advising patients to seek out a new mind-body practice. Download the guide to see how Tai Chi and Qigong can be incorporated into integrative patient care.