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Tools to Fix Election Stress

It seems election cycles become more stressful – or exciting, depending on how much you relish political drama – every four years. If the approaching 2020 election has you on edge, it’s important to remember that the power of the…

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Mind-Body Medicine for Pain Tool

Mind-body therapies can be great resources for treating pain and are safe for most people in most situations. With this mind-body medicine for pain tool you will be introduced to various mind-body therapies so that you, the patient, can find…

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Supplements Provider Pocket Guide

Talking with patients about supplements is a key part of integrative health and whole-person care. Today’s patients can choose from a vast array of dietary supplements, from nutritional powders and gummy vitamins to cannabidiol (CBD) products and herbs derived from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) or Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine. This pocket guide is a resource for the HOPE Note, which includes questions on supplements and diet.
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Placebo Guide

Placebo Guide

Harness the Power of Placebo for Your Patients - A research report and clinical guide Enhance Healing Based on Knowledge from Placebo Research
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Hand on Water

Developing an Integrative Health Model: Who, What, and How

A guide to help physicians and other health care providers incorporate self-care and complementary approaches into their mainstream practice as they move toward person-centered, integrative health for improving patient outcomes and satisfaction while delivering a better quality of care.
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