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Enhance your Healing Response through Guided Imagery

Dr. Jonas hand-picked these guided imagery videos that use the mind-body connection to help you…

  • Reduce Stress
  • Promote Healing
  • Sleep Soundly
  • Lessen Pain…and more
Watch the Videos What is Guided Imagery?

What is Guided Imagery?

Guided imagery is a kind of meditation that leads a person’s imagination into a particular state by describing a scene or place and invoking all of the senses. It is frequently used to address symptoms related to chronic health concerns, improve performance in sports, and invoke a relaxation response in the body.

In the last 20 years, as patients increasingly integrate complementary and alternative medicine into their treatment plans, more and more literature is being published exploring and confirming the positive impact of guided imagery for certain conditions. See a pocket guide on guided imagery (PDF) to learn more about the evidence behind the practice.

Guided imagery can be used alongside any conventional treatments you are receiving; but it is not meant to take the place of a proven conventional treatment. Any decisions regarding treatment plans should be discussed with your health care team prior to making changes to your treatment plan.

To view a video meditation with Dr. Jonas, watch Meditating with Dr. Jonas: Breathing Healing Meditation

Guided Imagery Videos

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