Whole Person Care
Healing Works Foundation’s mission is to make whole person, integrative care regular and routine.
Led by Dr. Wayne Jonas, HWF partners with a diverse group of wellbeing innovators. It creates platforms, processes, programs, tools and services to support and magnify insights and innovations in healing and whole person care principally in primary care and oncology.
Healing Works Foundation Blog
Animals for Mind, Body, and Spirit Health
Research has long suggested that humans benefit physically and emotionally from spending time with animals. Lower blood pressure, reduced stress,[i] and more exercise[ii] are just a few of the findings. Other benefits may include preventing…
Grieving the Healthi(er) Person You Used to Be
The pain of loss from chronic illness or a life-threatening diagnosis is very real Olivia’s lupus struck during her second year in college. An art major, she noticed her hands hurt a lot, and thought…
Finding and Working with a Therapist
You’ve thought about it: talking to a professional counselor, finding a therapist, going to group sessions. Perhaps you’ve wondered if your child or teen needs therapy, looked online to see what therapy costs, or checked…