Midlife Milestones Tool

You probably remember some milestones you reached as a young adult – getting your first job or car, going to school, leaving home, getting married, having children. Human development experts tell us that midlife has its milestones, too. Just like when you were younger, knowing what you’re likely to go through around now can help…


How to Encourage Your Patients to Journal

Therapeutic writing, a form of targeted journal writing, is a self-care technique encouraging deeper reflection, processing, and discovery, and simultaneously, reflective distance. It can help your patients to gain clarity and insight about their experiences and themselves—and thereby, to heal, grow, and thrive. It can help them and you identify what matters most to them…


Journaling in your 50s

Therapeutic writing is a kind of structured journal writing. It is a self-care tool to encourage deeper and clearer reflection, processing, and discovery. Therapeutic writing can help you heal, grow, and thrive. This tool focuses on managing issues around care giving and relationships with growing children and aging parents (the “sandwich generation”) through therapeutic writing.…


Journaling in your 30s and 40s

Therapeutic writing is a kind of structured journal writing. It is a self-care tool to encourage deeper and clearer reflection, processing, and discovery. Therapeutic writing can help you heal, grow, and thrive. This tool focuses on specific topics for those who are in their 30s and 40s like fertility, parenting, career, and stress. Printable version…

Journaling Tool for your 20s

Life in Your 20s Journaling Tool

This tool is meant to help managing issues around life transitions and identity through therapeutic writing. Therapeutic writing is a kind of structured journal writing that can help you heal, grow, and thrive. This self-care tool to encourages deeper and clearer reflection, processing, and discovery for those in their 20s.   Printable version available here.

Whole Person Cancer Care

Integrative Oncology Self-Care Guide

What follows is a summary of some basic behaviors shown to facilitate healing. They involve changes you can make in everyday life to feel and function better. Food, movement and social connection can be powerful medicine. Read on for more information to support healing.