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Beyond pills and procedures: The healing power of relationships

Doctor and Patient

When we think about health care, the first things that often come to mind are pills, procedures, and treatments. But early in my military medical career, I gained a deeper understanding of what true healing really involves. I learned to truly listen to a patient’s story of suffering, engage in conversations about their healthcare goals, and address areas like prevention, health promotion, and overall well-being.

In my latest article on Healio, Beyond pills and procedures: The healing power of relationships, I explore the profound impact of getting to know your patient beyond what you see in their electronic health record. It touches upon how healing is most likely to emerge when a trusting and empathetic relationship between doctor and patient exists.

I also discuss avoiding the general assumption that short appointments and transactional interactions have replaced meaningful, person-centered care. We can make both happen with a little mindful reframing and understanding that healing may not occur in a straight line.

I encourage you to check out the full article today.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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