It's been revealed that the healing effect from fake treatments could vary from 0% to 100%—even for the same disease and same treatment—depending on the context and cultural meaning in which they were delivered. In…
Epidurals, spinal anesthesia, and analgesics work well against labor pains. However, they do have some side effects including nausea and vomiting as well as increasing the chance that some assisted birth is needed. There are some…
It’s clear that the US healthcare system needs changing. The costs are too high and the results too poor. The system also needs changing because our patients have changed. What we get mostly from healthcare…
The placebo effect is more than just a sugar pill. Outcomes are affected by factors including the label or name of the treatment, the cost of the treatment, the location and route of delivery, authority…
The healing process is understood and applied in many traditions and by wise physicians today but has been obscured by modern medicine’s obsession with external agents, such as pills, procedures, and supplements. While many of…
When I began practice as a young doctor, I thought that the treatments I gave to patients were the primary reason they got well. But after almost 40 years of seeing patients as a mainstream…
Systematic reviews on complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine therapies “Healing Tools” summaries are a collection of evidence-based resources to help providers and patients use integrative health approaches to improve health and wellbeing. This tool is for:…
A program of diet, supplements and lifestyle changes integrated with conventional medicine to help people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) live longer, better and healthier lives “Healing Tools” summaries are a collection of evidence-based resources to…
A one-page pocket guide for primary care physicians highlighting five steps to manage chronic pain without drugs “Healing Tools” summaries are a collection of evidence-based resources to help providers and patients use integrative health approaches…
A book for people with chronic pain: Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Your Pain “Healing Tools” summaries are a collection of evidence-based resources to help providers and patients use integrative health approaches to…