Your personal support system consists of a number of relationships. These include your family, friends, doctor, pastor, neighbors, coworkers, boss and many others. They can support you, or they can add to your stress and…
Self-care is often overlooked in discussions around healing, but it is a critical aspect of our health and well-being. The best path to health is for physicians to work with patients so they can take…
Half of all patients leave their medical visit without understanding what their physician said to them or what they’re supposed to do. Health coaching helps patients understand their treatment and actively participate in their care…
As a primary care provider in San Francisco’s Mission District for 32 years, Dr. Bodenheimer took care of low-income, mostly Latina patients. He did his best to make their lives better. But as the years…
Today, 1 in every 4 American adults has obesity. Yet, there are more health problems associated with obesity than just being over-weight. One way obesity can cause chronic pain is that the extra mass or…
After an evaluation of 41 of the most popular eating plans, US News and World Report ranked the Mediterranean diet as #1—not only for the best overall diet of 2019 but in several subcategories including "best diet…
If your doctor, family, or friends tell you that you seem depressed, they might be right. Pain and depression often go hand in hand, with pain both a symptom and a cause of depression. That…
As a caregiver, you spend most of your time thinking of and acting for others. This makes it hard to shift the focus back onto you. It can even feel selfish. Yet self-care is critical…
As a caregiver, you have a unique set of needs and great strengths that help you navigate your journey. Caregivers face a constantly evolving role that changes with the health and needs of your loved…
Americans define health in broad terms; wish doctors would talk to them about more than just physical health Many Americans experience a disconnect between how they personally define health and how they talk about their…