Healthy choices and behavior like better nutrition, exercise, stress management and good sleep help patients with chronic diseases feel and live better. But busy physicians rarely have time to provide the information and help that…
Social distancing is essential in helping flatten the COVID-19 curve but it’s also having a devastating effect on our patients' physical, mental and spiritual health. Nearly half of American adults are feeling socially isolated from…
Unfortunately, COVID-19 isn’t the only thing that can make you sick these days. Luckily, as re-entry is becoming more common across the country, there are ways to "hack" your stay-at-home anxiety, improve your wellbeing and…
The vast majority of U.S. adults (80%) say they will be more mindful about practicing self-care regularly once the pandemic is over, according to a new survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of…
During the current pandemic, your life has surely occupied a very different space, squeezing you into many different roles. You might be a remote worker right now, relegated to your home office or bedroom on…
As businesses begin to re-open and government officials lessen restrictions, you will have to make many choices every day about how to resume work and social relationships in the ‘new normal.’ Discussions about re-opening are…
Healing and a feeling of personal wholeness only occur when the mind, body, and spirit are in balance. Balancing them all is necessary for a happy and fulfilled life. And in moments of crisis—especially in…
I was recently interviewed by PR News about how PR pros and agencies cope with COVID-19 stress. In today's fast-paced society the concept of coping with stress in the workplace is always a timely topic…
Coronavirus. COVID-19. Social distancing, flattening the curve, sheltering in place. This spring has brought, not just new life, but new words and a new way of being. Dealing with the impact of the outbreak is…
A pandemic wouldn't typically be a great reason for an English lesson but it is useful when it comes to defining the strength and resolve so many in our country, and our planet had during…