8 Evidence-based Integrative Approaches to Treating DepressionPosted on December 11, 2018by StaffIf your doctor, family, or friends tell you that you seem depressed, they might be right. Pain and depression often go hand in hand, with pain both a symptom and a cause of depression. That… Continue Reading... How to Care For Yourself When Caring For OthersPosted on November 26, 2018by StaffAs a caregiver, you spend most of your time thinking of and acting for others. This makes it hard to shift the focus back onto you. It can even feel selfish. Yet self-care is critical… Continue Reading... 15 Journaling Exercises to Help You Heal, Grow, and ThrivePosted on November 13, 2018by StaffJournaling is a way of going on a retreat without leaving your home. Documenting your thoughts with a pen and paper is a way to acknowledge past experiences that may be causing you pain and… Continue Reading... How to Make the Most Out of Your Role as a CaregiverPosted on November 7, 2018by StaffAs a caregiver, you have a unique set of needs and great strengths that help you navigate your journey. Caregivers face a constantly evolving role that changes with the health and needs of your loved… Continue Reading... Cancer Series V: How to Heal After the Physical and Emotional Trauma From a Cancer DiagnosisPosted on October 30, 2018by StaffCancer is a complex illness and being diagnosed with cancer sets off multiple reactions and changes – mind, body, and spirit. Being diagnosed with cancer can be a traumatic experience. And like most traumatic experiences,… Continue Reading... Cancer Series Part IV: How to Build Your Stress Response Muscles During Recovery From Breast CancerPosted on October 26, 2018by StaffMindfulness-based stress reduction is a popular type of meditation that helps you access and build your natural capacity to actively engage in caring for yourself and find greater balance, ease, and peace of mind. Meditation… Continue Reading... Cancer Series Part III: How to Navigate Nutritional Information as a Cancer Patient and Beyond TreatmentPosted on October 23, 2018by StaffBreast cancer treatments like surgery, radiation therapy and chemo put a lot of demands on your body. Treatments and their side effects can affect the way you eat and how your body tolerates certain foods… Continue Reading... Recent Survey Finds Significant Gaps In Doctor-Patient ConversationsPosted on October 11, 2018by StaffAmericans define health in broad terms; wish doctors would talk to them about more than just physical health Many Americans experience a disconnect between how they personally define health and how they talk about their… Continue Reading... Cancer Series Part II: Healing vs. Curing After Cancer TreatmentPosted on October 11, 2018by StaffSo much of “the fight” against cancer centers around physical health, but how do we combat the emotional effects that arise after cancer care? Cancer survivor, Jenny Leyh, explains her journey of healing after her cancer… Continue Reading... Cancer Series Part I: An Integrative Approach to Cancer CarePosted on October 2, 2018by StaffCancer is a complex illness and being diagnosed with cancer sets off multiple reactions and changes – mind, body, and spirit. While the initial activities involve conventional methods, such as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation, many… Continue Reading... Previous Page 1 … Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 … Page 25 Next