What It Will Take To Solve the Opioid CrisisPosted on February 14, 2018by StaffOver 60,000 people die every year because of an opioid overdose or a complication of opioid use. The opioid issue is a major crisis in America. To solve it, we need to refocus on what… Continue Reading... Discover How Our Bodies HealPosted on February 8, 2018by StaffThe word "heal" is derived from the identical Latin and Greek words that mean whole or holy. Knowing about yourself as a whole person, your social, your behavioral, your body but also your mind and… Continue Reading... Healing Tool Series: Narrative MedicinePosted on February 6, 2018by StaffA patient-centered, collaborative storytelling process to deliver respectful, empathic, and effective medical care for serious illness “Healing Tools” summaries are a collection of evidence-based resources to help providers and patients use integrative health approaches to… Continue Reading... A Patient’s View: Athlete Scores Against Chronic PainPosted on February 6, 2018by StaffExercise, meditation and mindfulness, yoga and an anti-inflammatory diet lead to a nearly pain-free life Like many teenagers, John Slay wanted to be a professional athlete. As a baseball, basketball and football player in high… Continue Reading... Recognizing the Power of the Placebo EffectPosted on January 31, 2018by StaffI have always considered the placebo effect to be the sleeping giant of research and medical care. The placebo effect is essentially the meaning response that is induced by the context of treatment. The physiological,… Continue Reading... Hope for Overcoming Multiple SclerosisPosted on January 12, 2018by StaffA diet and lifestyle program integrated with conventional medicine helps people live longer, better and healthier When MRIs (brain scans) taken after a car accident in 2000 showed that Noelle N. might have multiple sclerosis… Continue Reading... Why is the Third Highest Death Rate in America Due to Medical Errors?Posted on January 11, 2018by StaffDr. Wayne Jonas answers the questions that every person, who truly values their health, wants to know in his new video series #AskDrJonas. He is an integrative health and health care expert, practicing family physician, researcher,… Continue Reading... Do You Know How Healing Works?Posted on January 10, 2018by StaffMost of what we think produces health actually does not. But there is an inherent healing capacity within us all that, when properly released, can produce remarkable recovery, health, and happiness. The healing process is… Continue Reading... The Need For a New Understanding of HealingPosted on January 9, 2018by StaffMost of the treatments we think produce healing do not work when exposed to rigorous scientific scrutiny. Yet people often get better. Why? How? How Healing Works argues that the vast majority of healing comes from… Continue Reading... Hope for Overcoming Multiple SclerosisPosted on January 3, 2018by StaffDiet and lifestyle program integrated with conventional medicine helps people with MS live longer, better and healthier When MRIs (brain scans) taken after a car accident in 2000 showed that Noelle N. might have multiple… Continue Reading... Previous Page 1 … Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Next