Explore our free resources for every age How do I know what I think until I see what I say? —E. M. Forster The British novelist E. M. Forster had a point. Writing your…
What should I know about medical cannabis? Find answers to some frequently asked questions and check out our new Cancer and Cannabis Pocket Guide You have options. This may be the most important message to…
This past December, we had the pleasure of hosting journalist and director Shannon Harvey on our Facebook Live series, Get Well and Stay Well. After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and failing to find…
For some of us, the crackle of leaves underfoot and the first big storm of winter signal coziness. If you live where the days get shorter and the nights get longer, you may love bundling…
This fall, we conducted an online survey with the Harris Poll to examine chronic pain management techniques and preferences, as well as to gain insight into how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted pain and pain…
Is pain inevitable when you have cancer? Can treatment cause pain? Is it worth mentioning discomfort to your oncologist? Or is only severe pain of real concern? Our new free Pocket Guide to Cancer Pain…
In the first part of our two-part series on chronic kidney disease, we explored the prevalence of this condition—that 37 million Americans have it but 90% are unaware[i] —as well as its causes, effects, and…
Jenny Leyh is a mother, freelance writer, cancer survivor and integrative health advocate living in Haddon Heights, New Jersey. Expecting your first child can be an exciting time. It’s a joyful period of planning—choosing nursery…
Jenny Leyh is a mother, freelance writer, cancer survivor and integrative health advocate living in Haddon Heights, New Jersey. For most people and for much of our life, our parents are a source of support,…
We are bombarded with messages about exercising our bodies—how it can improve life longevity as well as boost endorphins, making us happier, better rested, more energized and with an enhanced ability to concentrate. But did…