Emerging Into Health After The PandemicPosted on June 4, 2021by Wayne JonasDid you develop some less-than-healthy habits during the pandemic? Here’s how to shift back this spring and summer. Whether you were turning to food for comfort or just nibbling between video meetings and home-schooling sessions,… Continue Reading... Taking Care of Your Body and Your MindPosted on May 25, 2021by Wayne JonasFor millennia, the therapeutic encounter has remained largely the same: a person who had been functioning normally and without giving a thought to their health now notices that something is wrong—they don’t feel well. They… Continue Reading... Three Healing Steps to Stop Pouring from an Empty CupPosted on May 17, 2021by Wayne JonasSix months before her 40th birthday, my patient June began to feel the changes in her body. June noticed that she craved sweets more, had gained a few more pounds than she wanted and was… Continue Reading... A Move from Burnout Culture to Wellness CulturePosted on May 9, 2021by Wayne JonasBurnout. More and more, I am seeing colleagues, friends, and my patients fraying at the edges. Some are on the edge of burnout and some are already there. More than a year after COVID-19 first… Continue Reading... Lessen Migraine Pain, Improve Quality of LifePosted on April 12, 2021by Wayne JonasHeadaches can be mysterious, frustrating, and painful. Why did it come on? When will it go away? Is there anything I can do to stop the pain? There are different kinds of headaches, and some… Continue Reading... Walking Meetings: The Future of Safely Collaborating at WorkPosted on March 22, 2021by StaffThe COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us rethink where and how we do our work. For some, our “office” is now anywhere and everywhere. A study released in May 2020 shared that more than… Continue Reading... The Healing Power of the OutdoorsPosted on March 14, 2021by StaffI have long been a proponent of spending time in nature as part of an integrative health plan. Even a small amount of time spent outdoors can physically, mentally, and spiritually impact health positively. Especially… Continue Reading... The Power of Relationships As We AgePosted on March 4, 2021by StaffAre you 65 or older? If the answer is yes, then congratulations. You are part of the largest group of older Americans ever seen in our country. Indeed, 10,000 people turn 65 years old every… Continue Reading... How the Right Relationships Can Help You HealPosted on March 1, 2021by StaffYour personal support system consists of a number of relationships. These include your family, friends, doctor, pastor, neighbors, coworkers, boss and many others. They can support you, or they can add to your stress and… Continue Reading... How to Stimulate Healing with Fasting and Whole Systems SciencePosted on February 22, 2021by StaffWhile periodic starvation may sound harsh and not healing, studies show the exact opposite—when carefully done. Extensive research on large populations, as well as in controlled studies with animals and humans, shows that periodic low-calorie… Continue Reading... Previous Page 1 … Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 … Page 25 Next