Headaches can be mysterious, frustrating, and painful. Why did it come on? When will it go away? Is there anything I can do to stop the pain? There are different kinds of headaches, and some…
Are you 65 or older? If the answer is yes, then congratulations. You are part of the largest group of older Americans ever seen in our country. Indeed, 10,000 people turn 65 years old every…
Your personal support system consists of a number of relationships. These include your family, friends, doctor, pastor, neighbors, coworkers, boss and many others. They can support you, or they can add to your stress and…
The COVID-19 bomb just blew apart America’s healthcare system. It has poked holes in all our weaknesses and laid to waste many who work in health care, both on the front line and outside of…
What our hospitals, health systems and individual clinicians have been able to do in the face of this crisis is nothing short of heroic. Major medical centers in the United States shifted their entire health…
Our healthcare system is in flux. As we live longer and embrace changes in lifestyle and environment, we are also being overwhelmed by an increase in chronic disease diagnoses, and the expensive treatments that come…
This article concludes the Five P series—protect, promote, permit, partner and payment—which serves as a guideline for patients seeking to find an integrative physician or health team. To this point, we’ve explored the characteristics of…
You know your body better than anyone. Whether managing a medical diagnosis or seeking to improve (or maintain) your current health, your role as the patient should carry at least equal weight to that of…
Americans define health in broad terms; wish doctors would talk to them about more than just physical health Many Americans experience a disconnect between how they personally define health and how they talk about their…
When you break your leg, undergo surgery, or burn your hand, you experience pain—acute pain. With treatment and time, the pain usually disappears. But chronic pain is different. It hangs around even after the original…