Making Sense of Cancer and FinancesPosted on November 19, 2021by Wayne JonasStephanie, 38, reached a financial milestone recently when she made her last debt payment. Not student debt, though. The debt was from her treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma—her cancer care. Diagnosed at age 30, Stephanie was… Continue Reading... “Too Young” for Cancer? Finding Your Voice and Your TribePosted on November 16, 2021by Wayne JonasIf you ever got separated from your parents in the store, you remember how it feels. Suddenly, everything around you is no longer familiar but strange and threatening. You look down one aisle, then another,… Continue Reading... Making Sense of Sexuality When You Have CancerPosted on November 5, 2021by Wayne JonasSex and cancer. They may seem like totally separate concerns—or your biggest worry that no one talks about. Your doctors and even your partner may be focused on helping you survive, while you feel life… Continue Reading... Finding Spiritual Support When You Have CancerPosted on November 1, 2021by Wayne JonasIt seems like the cancer team addressed everything. Cancer stage, treatment options, side effects, what to eat and where to find a support group. Or did they? Cancer is not just a physical illness. It… Continue Reading... What to Do About Cancer PainPosted on October 19, 2021by Wayne JonasIs pain inevitable when you have cancer? Can treatment cause pain? Is it worth mentioning discomfort to your oncologist? Or is only severe pain of real concern? Our new free Pocket Guide to Cancer Pain… Continue Reading... What to Eat When You Have CancerPosted on October 7, 2021by Wayne Jonas“Eat whatever you want.” “Eliminate sugar.” “Eat clean and detoxify.” “Keto cures!” As soon as we’re diagnosed with cancer, we’re constantly bombarded by messages about how to eat. From the grocery store checkout line to… Continue Reading... Can I Exercise with Cancer? Yes, and Here’s Why it’s a Good IdeaPosted on September 23, 2021by Wayne Jonas“You’re sick. You need to rest.” You’ve probably heard these words at least once. Whether a parent was telling you that no, you couldn’t go out and play if you stayed home sick from school,… Continue Reading... How to Take an Integrative Approach to Kidney DiseasePosted on September 22, 2021by Wayne JonasIn the first part of our two-part series on chronic kidney disease, we explored the prevalence of this condition—that 37 million Americans have it but 90% are unaware[i] —as well as its causes, effects, and… Continue Reading... What is Kidney Disease and How Is It Typically Treated?Posted on September 14, 2021by Wayne JonasAlthough kidney disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, it is estimated that 90%[i] of the 37 million Americans with chronic kidney disease are not aware that they have it, even… Continue Reading... Cancer Treatment and Nerve ProblemsPosted on September 7, 2021by Wayne JonasA Holistic Approach to Peripheral Neuropathy Joyce, age 63, was happy with the success of her breast cancer treatment. But when she went back to volunteering at her local library, she was surprised to realize… Continue Reading... Previous Page 1 … Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Page 25 Next